Saranac Hale Spencer

Pride of New Scotland forms

NEW SCOTLAND — As one established citizens’ group plans a public forum here, a new group has sprung up.

NEW SCOTLAND — Crooked goats and over-stuffed sheep greet visitors at the end of a dirt road under the escarpment.

NEW SCOTLAND — Police agencies across the state have been alerted to the contentious development debate here.

By Zach Simeone

BERNE — After nearly four months of discussion, the town has a moratorium on residential and commercial wind turbines.

The Dionysians’ Flowers for Algernon teaches kindness and compassion

VOORHEESVILLE — Acting out the arc of Charlie Gordon’s life, through retardation and genius, illustrates the harsh side of humanity for the high school drama club.

GUILDERLAND — With the third generation following the second, Singer’s Jewelers has shifted its focus to jewelry, but the walls of its new Route 20 store are crowded with clocks, a nod to its history.

NEW SCOTLAND — An administrative law judge heard evidence on Friday from the town in support of closing the Youmans Road rail crossing.

Size cap divides planning board

NEW SCOTLAND — A split vote on the planning board has sent a recommendation to the town board to triple the size of the allowable square footage for malls in a size-cap law.

By Jordan J. Michael

LOUDONVILLE –– After placing second in the Section II meet, the Guilderland gymnastics team sent four athletes to the State Championships at Shaker High School on Saturday.

By Jordan J. Michael

BALLSTON SPA –– The Voorheesville girls’ basketball team hasn’t earned much respect in recent years. Oh, how the tides have turned.


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