It’s possible you may be preparing project proposals, mapping myriad fairy trails, or listing limitless quirky places to lunch as time lurches along. Are you ready to jump into the action?
At 63 years old, National Library Week, sponsored by the American Library Association, is a celebration the Berne Public Library welcomes with a rousing cheer.
With sweaty palms, the brow of frustration, and the endearing words, “Mom, I’m on speaker phone” heard loud and clear from the Remote Technical Assistance Team, “TEDx-BernePublicLibrary — Life on t
Blooming poinsettia plant, readers! Now is a fine time to appreciate the power of the potted plant. Or, to get your seeds started in your indoor containers.
While temporarily transitioning to curbside pick-me-ups, accommodating your reading and movie entertainment needs remain a top priority for library staff. Call 518-872-1246 to schedule pick-ups.