Rachel Dutil

NEW SALEM – Bryande Murray was only 8 years old when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now, at age 22, she has self-published a children’s book about her mother’s experience, called Mommy vs. the Monster.

NEW SALEM – This New Scotland hamlet with water supplied by the neighboring town of Bethlehem may one day have a water district of its own.

NEW SCOTLAND – Dean VanAlstyne, who has run his business, Hydrotech, from South Troy for nearly six years, hopes to bring it closer to his home, in Unionville.

NEW SCOTLAND – The air will soon be cleaner in and around the Onesquethaw Volunteer Fire Department.

NEW SCOTLAND – Striving to preserve New Scotland’s rural character, the town board recently passed two new laws – a right-to-farm law, and a noise-control law.

VOORHEESVILLE – The Voorheesville Central School District has now spent over $100,000 in its attempt to recoup $216,000 from two former school officials.

NEW SCOTLAND – David Moreau, a large landowner in town, complained to the town board last week about the fees he has to pay to divide his land.

NEW SCOTLAND – The family of Amelia Lee is mourning her unexpected death; She died when her home at 32 Lower Flat Rock Rd. burned on Aug. 9.

ALTAMONT – A relaxing step back in time may be in order after a day of crowded midways, long cotton-candy lines, and a barrage of game attendants pleading for you to be the next one to win whatever prize is being offered.

VOORHEESVILLE – Poetry is not a lost art in Voorheesville.

In fact, it is alive and thriving.


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