Archive » August 2023 » Editorials

The current support shown nationwide for unions, though, gives us hope that enough workers — like those right here in New Scotland — will prevail so that we can begin to close that gap that has widened between the wealthy and the poor without the strength of the working class to bridge the divide.

The list of problems caused by stormwater runoff is long and includes many that are less obvious than the ones itemized to the New Scotland board like structures being ripped away or stream banks eroding.

Beyond the sentimental memories, beyond the good times and meaningful relationships, even beyond the economic boost the Thacher Park pool gave the region, teaching people to swim can be a matter of life and death.

No sign saying that Schuyler was one of the largest slaveholders in the area would justify the statue’s placement in front of a public hall for a city of citizens that includes many who are descendants of slaves whose labors increased the wealth of the city, the county, the state, and the nation — with no just returns.

Our new nation was polarized with the Federalists wanting a strong national government to preserve order and the Anti-Federalists promoting strong state governments instead. Clearly articulated views from each side led to worthwhile compromise, resulting in the Bill of Rights.