Archive » September 2021 » Editorials

We believe our readers are intelligent and, when presented with the facts and with a clear rendering of candidates’ views, they can choose wisely for what best suits their needs.

The United States is one of the few developed countries without universal sick-leave coverage; working sick is an ongoing problem reinforcing the spread of COVID-19, a Cornell study finds. The study cites research showing that gaining access to emergency sick leave during the COVID-19 pandemic reduced infection rates by about 15,000 per day in April and May of 2020.

A reporter is not harassing a candidate if he asks where that candidate lives or asks him to explain his long string of court records. Rather, that reporter is doing his job — trying to fairly tell all sides of a story, and seeking the truth so that voters can be well informed.

Beulah the newshound died last Wednesday. She was my daughter’s dog but we felt like she belonged to all of us.
Saranac fell in love with her Beulah the way Samuel Clemens fell in love with his Olivia — by looking at her picture. Both had enduring love stories.