Archive » October 2020 » Editorials

Sacrificing the safety of children for political expediency is unacceptable. Schools need both accurate guidance and adequate funding to keep our children safe.

We need to act regionally as we rebuild. This pandemic, and the economic fallout, have shown us all how wide the gap is — in schools, in housing, in health care — between white and Black communities. We should seize this crisis, which coincides with a nationwide racial reckoning, to work together as a county to rebuild in a way that offers hope to those who most need it.

Freedom isn’t a favor to be granted to deserving human beings; it’s a right.

We urge our communities, and particularly the committees charged with reviewing police policy, to consider the sort of reform that would shift the sole responsibility for our safety and welfare from police to include other service providers like psychologists and social workers.

If we don’t respect what those before us built, we know less about our past and we look more like everywhere else in a massed-produced America.