Archive » August 2017 » Editorials

Quick gratification at the expense of long-term progress, typical of the Trump administration, can be seen in rollbacks to nutrition requirements for school meals.

We urge our state to come up with a way to control the use of plastic bags — it will help with curbing climate change, will protect the creatures we share the planet with, will keep the Earth from centuries of toxins, and will save taxpayers money on disposal costs.

Climate change is here and harming us. While we commend those who are heroically acting to help, it is not enough. An overarching national policy and a global commitment are needed.

Lynching is a current concern because if atrocities are buried, they fester. We need to acknowledge the past so that we don’t repeat it.

Prisoners are less likely to commit crimes once they are released if they’ve stayed connected to their families and communities.