Archive » July 2006 » Sports

GUILDERLAND — Kyle LaValley had a big game to pitch on Tuesday and how did he prepare"
"I woke up at two," he said. "I slept all day. And I took it easy during batting practice before the game."

BERNE — As the runners for the Fox Creek 5K lined up at the starting line, the skies opened up.

GUILDERLAND — Sean Foley needed to get off the street and find a way to constructively feed his racing jones.

GUILDERLAND — The Sixth Annual Pine Bush Triathlon continued to be one of the highlights of the summer season, even with a new sponsor and hot weather.

are coming and, again, a large local contingent will be heading to this year’s rendition.

VOORHEESVILLE — While serving as an assistant coach for the Voorheesville track team during the spring season, Phil Carducci was inspired by the team’s success.

A light winter and a rainy spring were the themes of the last two thirds of the high-school sport season. But there were plenty of success in those seasons.