Archive » July 2005 » Sports

GUILDERLAND — It’s a hot, steamy Tuesday afternoon in the middle of summer, but the kids still come.

It is one of many stops Guilderland resident Amber Ablan makes during the week.

NEW SCOTLAND — Shamus Nally crossed the finish line at the Indian Ladder Trail Run 15 kilometer race like a conquering warrior.

Local athletes will be trekking down the New York State Thruway to the Poughkeepsie area for the on July 27 until July 31.

GUILDERLAND — This past spring, the fate of the Stonehill College women’s lacrosse team was in the hands of .

And that’s where she liked it.

BERNE — Despite a smaller-than-usual turnout, the Fox Creek 5K went off without a hitch.

Though the days were dark and dreary during the winter and spring months, there was a bright light on local athletes, especially at Voorheesville.