A perennial sledding invitation
To the Editor:
Over the years, we have had many people approach us to let us know they used to sled on Kirk Hill when they were children, and what fond memories it brings back when they see our invitation in The Enterprise.
We watch as some of these same folks bring their own children, trudging up our driveway in the snow, pulling sleds and carrying sleighs, a parade of young ones in winter hats and puffy jackets enthusiastically marching ahead.
We are grateful to be able to share this simple joy of childhood nostalgia and to help create new memories for the little ones. The trees might have grown taller and the brambles bordering the train tracks a little thicker, but the slope remains the same, as does the uncomplicated pleasure of gliding down a hill in the fresh winter snow.
So here is your perennial invitation, neighbors, to sled on Kirk Hill and continue in the Altamont winter tradition.
Jen O’Connor
and Eric Krans
The Kirk Estate
167 Maple Avenue