It’s time to talk about downsizing county legislature
To the Editor:
It’s not too early for the citizen-taxpayers of Albany County to re-start the conversation about the size of the Albany County Legislature that went into forced hibernation after the last United States Census and subsequent redistricting of the legislature.
I am one of a number of people around the county who feels strongly that, at 39 members, the Albany County Legislature is far bigger than it ought to be. I was one of a number of people who attempted to initiate dialogue with legislative leaders on this subject at the time of the census counts of both 2000 and 2010. In both instances, interested folks were told that their efforts came “too late” in the process because redistricting had already been completed.
Thus, it appears that the conversation needs to be launched earlier, and that any and all relevant actions will be undertaken by people elected to county office in 2019. I hope that any and all individuals who are interested in running for county office in 2019 are aware of this, and committed to moving toward a meaningful reduction in the size of the legislature.
I certainly know that I will not be supporting any candidates next year who do not make an unequivocal commitment very early on to the principle of size reduction, even though that action could result in any individual legislator losing his or her seat.
t is time to bring this particular body forward into the 21st Century in terms of size and efficiency.
Donald Csaposs