Get involved in town government

To the Editor:
Are you interested in knowing more about Knox town government?

The Knox Democratic Committee would like to host an informal get-together in the near future to talk about how government works in our beautiful town and how more residents can become more involved.

You don’t have to be an enrolled Democrat to participate.

National politics are not relevant to town government. We simply ask that you share our values of honesty and fairness to all residents and that you have a sincere interest in working together to find solutions to present and future challenges.

We believe that it is especially helpful to have the perspective of younger folks in our community. No previous experience is necessary, only the interest to learn more. You can reach me at .

We are all friends and/or neighbors in this small town and, with more help, we can work together to make it an even better place for all of us.

Paul Scilipoti


Editor’s note: Paul Scilipoti chairs the Knox Democratic Committee.


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