Act now to preserve local control of our landscapes, resources, and lives
To the Editor:
It’s not too late to save home rule in New York, but it will be soon! Residents, counties, towns, and villages need to act now to preserve local control of our landscapes, resources, and lives.
At the last minute on Friday, Nov. 13, the deadline for comments on draft regulations from the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting was extended from Nov. 16 until Dec. 7.
These proposed rules do more than just suggest where industrial-scale wind, solar, and battery-energy storage facilities might be placed. If passed, this new state office will control the siting, design, construction, operation, environmental review, and permitting of these projects. Weak controls on noise, vibration, and setbacks would become law.
Many more threats lie within these documents, including references to projects within the Adirondack Park, eminent domain for some developers, as well as the override of local laws, deemed unreasonably burdensome by the Office of Renewable Energy Siting. Most troubling, the state has already begun “trading away” renewable energy credits to other states to meet their renewable goals!
Rural and suburban towns and counties beware!
We were targeted for a large wind installation a few years ago. Luckily, neighbors from the next county warned us about the miseries of “Life under the Blades.” Using the Article 10 process in the Public Service Commission, we defended our homes.
However, that has been swept away. This new agency and these draft regulations are intended to accelerate, implement, and fast-track these projects. We were spared by our neighbors’ concern then, so we’re reaching out now to alert others before it is too late for all of us.
Your elected officials are required to protect your health, safety, welfare, environment, and property rights. Make them aware of these proposed rules. Urge them to join others in defending our communities. Information is available at our website: Concerned Citizens for Rural Preservation Email:
Lucia “Luke” Dailey
Colton, New York