Good luck to the new super in giving Knox back to its citizens
To the Editor:
Having sold our beloved home in Knox after more than 25 years of living there, I watched with trepidation the upcoming town election, which took place last Tuesday.
I had seen the downward spiral of the so-called business district and a back slap to Hitmans Towing, which may have been in violation of the town ordinance; Hitmans came in and not only cleaned out a small junkyard but started contributing to the tax rolls, which are starved due to a lack of mom and pop businesses in town.
It struck me as ironic that when, according to an Enterprise article published in the early spring on a distribution of monies from some governmental agency to the Hilltowns, not a cent was given to Knox.
Last year, a questionnaire was circulated to the good citizens of Knox; this was not the first time. You newcomers may not know one was also circulated back around 1993, yielding no changes albeit the closure of Knox's Country Store, a condemned building that housed our own post office, and the demise of Si's historic Mobil Station.
I wish the incoming supervisor much success in giving the town back to its citizens and wresting control from the large land barons residing in Knox, many of whom migrated to this great country looking for a better way of life but stealthily denied growth in my ex-community.
John Kilcher