Kevin stood up against a large corporation to represent all of us

To the Editor:
With the upcoming elections nearing, it’s time for the voices of Guilderland residents to be heard. We should have a say in what we want done in our town, how to protect the open space we have now, and how we want it to look and be sustained for future generations. Our wants and needs shouldn’t be falling on deaf ears as they are now.

The person that is going to be able to do that for us is Kevin McDonald, who is running for a seat on the town board.

Kevin is a man of integrity. He will fight for the town residents like he did for his own neighborhood. He stood up for what he believed was a situation where the negative impact wasn’t just going to affect himself and his family, but his whole neighborhood. He stood up against a large corporation to represent all of us.

Kevin is a selfless man and his agenda is that he wants all of our voices to be heard. This is not just about our neighborhood, but all of the neighborhoods in town.

This is about listening to the residents and their concerns, whether it’s the environment, Pine Bush, too much development too quickly, increased traffic that is resulting in more injuries because of accidents, overtaxing our town resources and infrastructure with this overdevelopment (such as EMS), and the blight along Western Avenue just to name a few. These are some of the issues Kevin will address if elected to serve on our town board.

We can trust Kevin to do what’s right for our town. In Kevin’s own words, “I remain committed to being your voice for the town board. Listening is one thing and following through is a secondary commitment that I’m going to make because we need to have everyone sitting at the table. The stakeholders are the people of this town.”

Please make sure you get out and vote. Vote for Kevin McDonald, Row D.

Monica Thomas

Lisa Hart


Editor’s note: Lisa Hart is one of the Westmere residents who, along with Kevin McDonald, sued Pyramid to stop it building a 222-unit apartment complex next to their neighborhood; the lower-court decision to stop the Pyramid projects was later reversed.

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