Tips from the village board for a safe Halloween
To the Editor:
Halloween celebrations will probably look a little different this year. As COVID-19 cases continue to be diagnosed, it is as important as ever to keep simple precautions in place to successfully reduce community spread.
At the October Village of Altamont Board meeting, the board of trustees had a discussion about Halloween 2020 and safety measures that should be considered by residents and their families if participating in trick-or-treating this year. Keeping COVID restrictions in mind, the following ideas were discussed and encouraged:
For trick-or-treaters and parents:
— Masks should be worn at all times;
— Stay with your family group;
— Keep socially distanced from outside groups, no gathering;
— When you take candy, touch only one item; and
— Bring and use hand sanitizer.
For households handing out candy:
— Wear a mask;
— Create space between yourself and the children coming to your home;
— Use a table, wall, or fence to place candy on for children to take;
— Purchase one brand of candy so children are not searching through and touching candy, looking for a favorite;
— Use “treat bags” that children could just take and go; and
— One-way trick or treating.
Alternative ideas in place of trick-or-treating:
— Turn your house light off if you are not participating in trick or treating;
— Create a family fun night in your own yard by dressing up, dispensing Halloween baskets or holding a scavenger hunt with your family;
— Hold a virtual Halloween party or contest.
Please have fun, but remember to stay safe. We have to continue to work together to keep our COVID numbers in check. Downloadable Halloween signs are available on the village website for you to utilize at your home if you choose.
Happy Halloween!
Kerry Dineen
Board of Trustees