Westmere is totally saturated!
To the Editor:
I am writing this letter in support of Kevin McDonald. In my opinion, he is the only one of the five candidates who is not part of the Barber, Centi, Feeney machine!
Right now, there are 100-plus apartments going in on State Farm Road (across from the middle school) approved by the B.C.F. Machine! And, along with Andrew Joyce (is anybody wondering why two planning board members from Albany County are being fired?) from the county legislature, they are fighting for 400-plus apartments (five stories) and a Costco!
If Mr. Barber tells you he is fighting against this giant project, think again! Mr. Barber and the Crossgates/Costco folks stood in front of the appellate court and personally appealed the lawsuit that Kevin McDonald and the residents of Westmere brought and won to stop the project. The suit has since been overturned by that appellate judge!
Frankly, Westmere doesn’t need it and, according to the study done on the Westmere corridor, there is just no room for the increased traffic; Westmere is totally saturated! At this time, big-box stores are failing all over the country, and with a Sam’s and BJ’s within 10 miles, it’s just bad planning!
The last time Kevin and I spoke, I asked him what he thought about all the issues and his reply to me was, “It’s not important what I think or what my opinion is; what’s important is what you and the people of Guilderland think.”
I have lived in Westmere for 62 years, and witnessed the destruction of Westmere as a sleepy little village! I’m all for responsible growth; however, the past five years have been ridiculous!
Westmere is now downtown Guilderland! Go, Kevin McDonald! Enough is enough!
Jeffrey M. Haines LUTCF