Put an end to foolishness
To the Editor:
This election season, voters in the town of Berne will have a choice of four candidates to fill two seats on their town board [“Berne council race is wide open,” Oct. 10, 2019, The Altamont Enterprise]. Bonnie Conklin and Matthew Harris best represent a way forward to end the political bickering, and get things done.
The current crop of Democrat board members are more interested in twisting the meaning of words to suit their political agenda, even so far as taking the word “swarm” to mean something threatening [“Veterans rally for Berne councilman after Dems skip meeting over safety,” Aug. 29, 2019, The Altamont Enterprise].
According to the dictionary, “swarm” means to move or assemble in a crowd. Apparently, large crowds at town meetings are too intimidating for Democrats. Perhaps they should find another line of work if they can't handle dealing with the public.
A vote for Bonnie Conklin and Matthew Harris will put an end to this foolishness.
William Wells
East Berne