Americans distrust monopolies, bad in business and worse in government
To the Editor:
New Scotland residents love their sleepy little town. No traffic, little crime, rural scenery, picturesque churches. Not much of anything when you think about it.
Smith’s Tavern is gone, Stewart’s in the village of Voorheesville is closed, our hometown hardware store is closed, the examples could fill this page. Residents in all corners of the town often drive out to Guilderland or Bethlehem for things like services, entertainment, or to buy clothes or shoes.
The current town government apparatus — meaning the town board and the supervisor — are all of the same party and Americans instinctively distrust monopolies. Bad in business and worse in government.
The time has come for all voices in town to be heard. The slate of Republican candidates in New Scotland — Erik Grissell for town supervisor, Peter Drao and Charissa Mayer for town board and Lori Dollard for town clerk — want a chance to make your voice heard and revitalize New Scotland.
These highly qualified candidates favor three initiatives to awaken New Scotland:
— Promotion and preservation of small business in all parts of the town; no one wants big boxes. Micro and small business would improve our town;
— A voice for all residents, breaking the tired monopoly. Republicans support things like town hall meetings where all voices are heard and considered; and
— Improved quality of life through a top-down review of all rules, regulations, and policies that limit freedom and property rights in our town.
The current administration will point to their accomplishments in the past 10 years, countable on one hand. They will undoubtedly enumerate things that they didn’t have a role in advancing.
They will cite a dilapidated barn as their proudest accomplishment — six years and hundreds of thousands of public dollars and it’s still nowhere.
Some vague stirrings of activity are happening in Voorheesville — attributable to Republican presence and pressure. More is needed all over town, not just Voorheesville. Ten years is too long to wait — too little and way too late.
Replace the current sleepy administration with people who will get things done and preserve our beautiful town in all corners for all people.
Deane Fish
Town of New Scotland
Republican Committee
Editor’s note: The village board is non-partisan, meaning its trustees don’t run on a party line in village elections — however, the party make-up of the Voorheesville Board of Trustees is three Democrats, one Republican, and one member without a party affiliation. Also, enrollment among village residents skews Democratic with nearly a third unaffiliated.