We’ll do all the work, you do the eating!
To the Editor:
Join us at the Boyd Hilton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in Altamont on Friday, Oct. 16, from 4 to 7 p.m. for an old-fashioned chicken barbecue dinner. Proceeds will help us support our veterans, their families, and our community.
We’ll do all the work; you do the eating!
Dinner will be served for take-out only; however, we will have tables set up to eat in if so desired. If eating in, refreshments will be available for a small donation.
Dinners, which cost $6 each, will include: a quarter chicken (choice of white or dark meat), salt potatoes, baked beans, a roll, and a cookie.
The post is located on Mill Street in the village. Please come enjoy a Friday of no cooking.
Jeff Orsini
Boyd Hilton
Memorial Association