Brooks BBQ will support mission trips
To the Editor:
For over 30 years, the McKownville United Methodist Church at 1565 Western Ave. has hosted chicken barbecues the first Saturday of October and May to raise money to send people on mission trips to assist others in need.
This year, due to COVID-19, our barbecue was canceled, which means we are short in our fundraising efforts and need the support of The Altamont Enterprise, its readers, and our neighbors to make our Saturday, Oct. 3, Brooks Chicken BBQ a success.
We are thankful that we are able to offer a take-out only, drive-through Brooks BBQ on Saturday, Oct. 3, starting at 1 p.m. and continuing until we sell out.
We are selling full dinners that include half of a chicken, cole slaw, roll, butter, a cookie, and a bottle of water for $13.
In addition, our Pumpkin Patch is open to buy that colorful fall pumpkin to decorate your mantle or table or to carve for Halloween. The Pumpkin Patch is open daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
All required social-distancing requirements will be followed during the barbecue on Saturday, Oct. 3, and at the Pumpkin Patch through Halloween.
We look forward to seeing our neighbors as you drive through to pick up your chicken dinner or while choosing a pumpkin at the patch!
Noreen VanDoren
McKownville United
Methodist Church