Altamont Enterprise October 1, 1920
The excellent work of the state troopers at the Albany County fair is worthy of special mention. There were four mounted men and one on foot, and they handled the large crowds and the thousands of automobiles without a mishap, as well as maintaining order throughout.
To show the efficiency of the state police system one has only to know of an incident that occurred on Friday. Peter J. Cullings of Mariaville who was attending the fair, missed his new Ford car, and at once notified the state police, sending them the number by phone. A little later two troopers came in from the west to the fair and on being informed of the theft reported having passed a new Ford with a lone driver on the way. Word was immediately sent to Cobleskill and troopers started east from that place to head off the car. Near Schoharie the car was found. The theft had evidently felt the chase was on and had deserted the car.
William K. Crounse shot a black bear last week in the wood at the foot of the Indian Ladder, near his home. The bear was thin and weighed only 160 pounds. Mr. Crounse said the animal in good condition would have weighed 200 pounds.
Van Auken - Corbin Wedding.
A very pretty wedding was solemnized last Saturday evening when Miss Bessie Corbin was united in marriage to Claude Van Auken. The bride was attired in a fawn colored silk dress, the wedding dress of her mother, and carried ophelia roses.
— The senior class of the Altamont High school will give a dance at the Masonic hall on Thursday evening, Oct. 21. A first class orchestra has been engaged for the evening. Further notice will be given.
— All persons interested in having basketball games in Altamont during the coming fall and winter are requested to meet at Keenholts hall next Wednesday evening. Last winter several games were played in the hall, and much interest was shown by residents. This year the village has any quantity of good material for a basketball team, and the only thing needed is to start the ball a-rolling.
Miss Ida Niver and ELwood Gallup were married at the parsonage on Saturday. Miss Niver wore a suit of blue tricotine with a blue duvetyn hat to match.
What might have proven to be a very serious accident occurred Saturday evening just before the annual meeting of the Board of Trade. It happened at the Review hall. Four of the members were about to enter the hall and were on the landing at the top of the outer staircase when the structure gave way from the building and precipitated the four gentlemen into the rear yard, a fall of about 12 feet. It was miraculous that no bones were broken. J. R. Halligan sustained the most severe injury, bruising both ankles so that he was unable to walk. He was taken to his home and the injury was so painful that he was confined to bed for the past few days. A ladder had to be used for the balance of the evening to reach the hall.
Something new and puzzling will be furnished for fun at the meeting of the W. B. R. C. next Tuesday evening. A “pie of mystery” will be on the table, where each one can have a piece.