Join us to talk about God
To the Editor:
On Saturday, Sept. 23, Helderberg Lutheran Church in Berne hosted a free-will donation breakfast to raise funds for hurricane relief. Once again, the community came through with great generosity.
Almost $1,500 was contributed, which is being sent to Lutheran Disaster Response. LDR will use every cent on relief. Thank you so very much!
I would also like to invite the community to Table Talk, a monthly opportunity to gather around a simple meal to talk about God at work in the world and in our lives. The event is held at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month, at Helderberg Lutheran at 1728 Helderberg Trail in Berne.
We welcome people of all ages, including those who have no church affiliation, who have questions about God, or who may be angry at God or the church. For further information, please contact Pr. Wendy at (518) 872-1443.
Pr. Wendy Cook
Helderberg Lutheran Church