We need a full state commitment to develop robust recycling
To the Editor:
The rising cost of municipal recycling is a serious issue for many communities. I was pleased to see the comprehensive reporting by The Altamont Enterprise on this topic in the Aug. 30 issue.
As a small-business owner focusing on helping people save money by saving energy, I know that combating climate change ultimately means we have to help each other change our behaviors.
The fact that up to a third of what we put into our recycling bins is not recyclable means we must become much better educated about and more compliant with how recycling actually works. But just as important, we need to bring manufacturers into the process, requiring them to contribute to the cost of recycling since they created the products in the first place.
The current practice — in which American manufacturers have little or no role in solutions to the waste crisis — simply isn’t fair. With an 80-percent recycling rate, Germany shows us that it can be done, and that it can help, not hurt, local economies.
The New York State Senate Republicans have been criticized by environmental groups time and again for failing New Yorkers and harming our natural resources. They reject the idea that polluters must pay, citing misleading ideas about the so-called burden such a plan would create on businesses.
My work in energy efficiency and renewable energy has shown that you can create good jobs while protecting the environment. More people work in the solar and wind industries today than the coal industry.
A full state commitment to helping communities develop robust recycling programs would create jobs and strengthen communities. New York’s economy relies on clean water, clean air, and a healthy agricultural sector.
It is crucial that we New Yorkers make protecting our environment a priority to ensure that the health and vitality of every community is preserved.
Pat Strong
46th State Senate District