McGarry will be a stimulus for change
To the Editor:
As a native upstate New Yorker and former resident of Schenectady County and the 111th New York State Assembly District, I am among your many neighbors, friends, and family members who have departed New York State to escape from excessive taxation, declining job opportunities, and rampant corruption by self-serving elected government representatives.
With the relocation of my employment position at a global insurance company to North Carolina, and the lack of good-paying private-sector jobs in the Capital District, my wife and I relocated to a business-friendly state where opportunities are abundant.
But, we will always view New York as home.
So what is required to return New York to its former stature as “the Empire State” and displaced residents to their homeland?
First, government officials who have a recipe for what ails the state are needed. Despite nearing the completion of his third term in the Assembly, 111th District Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has failed to sponsor any legislation to reduce excessive taxation, eliminate onerous business regulations, or end the corruption in Albany.
He turns a blind eye from the actions of and accusations against some members of his own majority party and leadership. He voted for former long-time downstate assemblyman and now convicted and imprisoned felon Sheldon Silver to serve as Assembly speaker.
Today, he withholds criticism and comment regarding accusations of corruption and “pay-to-play” politics made against the governor, despite the indictments against several close associates.
Santabarbara, who is in the governing majority, makes many public appearances at community events and has had numerous pictures taken at photo ops and published in newspapers and broadcast on TV. But, he seemingly has no answers and has taken no actions to fix a very badly broken New York State for its struggling residents.
On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, I urge voters to set aside political party affiliations, disregard pandering incumbents who appear around their districts, primarily at campaign time, and who deliver state funds of their redistributed tax revenues to local municipalities in exchange for recognition and praise.
If those in the majority party can’t get the job done after many years in office, it is time for the electorate to try a different path. In the case of governance, past performance is a very good indicator of future results.
I support Brian McGarry in his campaign for the 111th District in the New York State Assembly. Those who know Brian find him to be an honest, principled, and well-intentioned man who will be a stimulus for change and who will take the necessary actions to ensure that New York has a brighter future. I respectfully ask you to give him an opportunity to serve you.
Brad Littlefield
Pittsboro, North Carolina
Editor’s note: In Albany County, the 111th Assembly District includes the towns of Berne and Knox. Brad Littlefield ran on an independent ballot line with Brian McGarry in Schenectady County in 2008.