Making a difference in the Hilltowns
To the Editor:
In a recent visit to the new Dollar General store in East Berne, I spoke with the manager, Samantha Hotaling, and the subject came up about helping others. I mentioned that we help support the Rock Road Chapel Food Pantry through our church, The First Reformed Church of Berne, whereby our parishioners donate food items every week.
I, in turn, pick up and deliver those items on Wednesday mornings to Martha Davis who runs the food-pantry program at the Rock Road Chapel.
Samantha Hotaling said to put a box in the store designated for the food pantry. I brought down a large box and put a sign on it for the Rock Road food pantry and to my surprise, within a few days, it was overflowing.
I mentioned I’d like to write a letter in The Altamont Enterprise and take a picture. Samantha said that would be all right, but to be sure to mention all of the Dollar General employees who are making this happen. The personnel are: Store Manager Samantha Hotaling, Assistant Manager Nicole Hamel, Ryan Bartolf, Carissa Desorbo, Abigail Ball, Justin Barber, Tyler Jones, and Kevin Conley.
Of course, it is the customers who are making this a success by donating such things as pasta, sauce, canned vegetables, soups, peanut butter, jelly, toilet paper, etc.
So a big thank-you should be said to both the folks at Dollar General and its customers who are making a difference in the Hilltowns. Blessings to all involved.
Dennis White
East Berne