Altamont Enterprise September 14, 1917
Children’s day, a new feature, has been adopted by the Albany County fair, to be held at Altamont next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Friday has been set aside for school children and all pupils of Albany county schools will be admitted free if they present a letter signed by their teacher or principal.
The new feature was added by the fair authorities to stimulate interest in the educational exhibits which will be shown at the fair.
Calico Carnival and Corn Chowder Supper will be held at the Reformed church hall on Friday evening, Sept. 14 for the benefit of the Berne Red Cross.
Rules and regulations: All ladies to wear calico or gingham gowns. All the gentlemen to wear calico ties and are requested to bring thimbles. Fines will be imposed for the following: Any lady who fails to wear a calico or gingham gown, 5 cents; any gentleman who fails to wear a calico tie, 5 cents; any gentleman who fails to bring a thimble, 5 cents.
Heavy Frost Ruins Fall Crops.
Almost the entire crop of buckwheat in the towns of Knox and Berne was badly damaged by the heavy frost of Monday night. It is estimated that the farmers of Berne alone will lose more than $10,000 as a result of the frost. This means that with some of the farmers the money loss will be heavy, as they depend principally on the buckwheat crop for their living. Farmers of Guilderland, New Scotland and Bethlehem have also suffered heavily from the early frost.
The Altamont Red Cross auxiliary has been asked by John D. White, one of the members of the exemption board of the second Albany county district, to contribute to a fund to provide comfort bags for the boys from this locality who go to make a part of the new national army. The boys who left last Saturday were provided with bags by the Watervliet branch, and were so greatly appreciated that the members of the exemption board are making an effort to see that each boy is provided with a comfort bag from his home people.
The total number of boys from this district is 133, besides those already having left. Fifty-three leave Sept. 22, and the remainder in about two weeks’ time. The Watervliet branch will make and fill the bags and the Red Cross branches in the second district will be asked to contribute money to be used in the purchase of articles for the filling. The contents for each bag cost $1.50, and special contributions through the Altamont Red Cross auxiliary are asked for that purpose.
A subscription list will be opened at the Altamont drug store by Mr. Harrington, or contributions may be sent to Mrs. Sidney C. Crounse, treasurer. Let us do all we can to provide these small comforts for the brave boys of the new national army.