Hang in there, Ms. Harbeck, you’re not alone

To the Editor:

After seeing the stories in The Enterprise about Ms. Jill Harbeck, I had to write [“No recourse for driver faulted in GPD accident report,” The Altamont Enterprise, May 28, 2024].

Ms. Harbeck had done something a lot of people wouldn’t do.

She stood up against an injustice when it may have just been easier to say, “Oh well, you can’t fight City Hall.”

I know something about this.

Since at least 2003, I’ve had problems over a parcel of real estate in the town of Knox ….

This all has to do with problems with the Knox building department.

Also, when Ms. Harbeck said the Guilderland Police seemed to be siding with “driver # 2” because of “driver # 2” being a young woman, it hit home with me.

In 2017, I had a meeting with investigators with the New York State Police. 

This didn’t go well ….

At this meeting, one of the investigators comes out with this: “At your age, maybe you should just let go. You know, enjoy life.”

I’m an older person, and I believe that they may be waiting for me to just give up, sell out, and move on, or perhaps just pass on.

So, hang in there, Ms. Harbeck; you’re not alone.

Vince Virano


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