Altamont Enterprise Sept. 10, 1920


Clinton Wood caught an eel in the mill dam which weighed eight pounds and was four feet long. 



Seward Crounse gave a barn dance at his home Monday night to “christen” his new horse stable before putting his horses in it. Everybody enjoyed the evening. The rain prevented many from attending. 



Owing to the scarcity of school teachers, the scholars of district 1 are attending school in the Lendrum district. Their teacher is Mrs. Wheeler. 



A very enjoyable party was held at the home of Albert Winne last Saturday evening, at which over 50 friends and neighbors gathered. A beautiful supper was served on the lawn consisting of oysters, chicken, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes, ice cream and all that goes to make a good feast. Music and games were enjoyed. 


School opened in district No. 6 on Tuesday with Miss Eva Starr of Ravena as teacher. Miss Starr will stay at the home of Eli Secor. 



Every one desiring to join the Book club for the ensuing year will kindly hand the title of his or her book to Miss Florence Shultes or Mrs. D. A. Hinman on or before October 9. 



Mrs. Edmund Coughtry was presented with a handsome new Webster upright piano by her father, Lewis Edinger, on her birthday last week. 



Henry Smith and Robert Hurst took a trip to Thompson’s Lake recently to try their skill with the finny tribe. From all accounts they had fine success, and caught so many that they are thinking of opening a fish market. 

Fireman’s Dance Sept. 10. 

A Fireman’s dance will be held at the Town hall, Guilderland Center, on Friday evening, Sept. 10. Dancing from 9 to 1, new time. Music by Camadine’s orchestra. A bus will leave State street, Schenectady, at 8 p.m.  



Last Tuesday as Ellis Conrad was coming into this village on a motorcycle going, it is said, at a 35-mile clip, he lost control of the machine. It struck the corner of the hotel, and Mr. Conrad was thrown about 35 feet. The machine was wrecked. Mr. Conrad was picked up and carried into the home of his brother, who lives close by. Dr. Reed was called who found no bones broken but that the man was badly cut up. Last Saturday Dr. Reed called Dr. Van Hoesen of Coxsackie for counsel and they found that blood poisoning had developed. He was taken to his home at Medway in a serious condition. 


WANTED — A middle aged man and wife, or brother and sister, to live in my house and furnish board for myself for an indefinite period. For particulars call on Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Altamont. ​


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