Slightly late. School tax bills will match May estimates
To the Editor:
This year, Guilderland School District tax bills are expected to arrive in mailboxes on or about Sept. 6, rather than the typical date of Sept. 1. The reason for this slight delay is because the equalization rate for the town of Guilderland was not finalized by the New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services Board until Aug. 23.
The ORPTS Board met that day to make a final decision on the equalization rate following the town of Guilderland’s appeal of the rate that was initially recommended. The school board cannot set its tax rate without a final equalization rate for the town.
The Guilderland Central School Board of Education held a special meeting on Monday, Aug. 28, to set the tax rate for the school district. At its meeting, the board decided to use additional fund balance to lower the tax levy by $305,000 in order to keep the tax rate increase consistent with the rate that was estimated back in May, when voters approved the expenditure plan for the school district for the 2017-18 school year.
So, what does this delay mean for Guilderland School District taxpayers? Other than receiving your bill a few days later than typical, there should be no other change.
You will still have a 30-day period to pay taxes in full without a 2-percent late payment penalty. That period runs from Sept. 6 to Oct. 5, 2017. No school tax payments will be accepted after Nov. 6, 2017.
Taxpayers may view their bills online in early September by accessing the district website at
Marie Wiles, superintendent
Guilderland Central School District