Altamont Enterprise August 24, 1923
The Reformed church at Thompson’s Lake was completely destroyed by fire late Wednesday afternoon. The church was holding a clam bake at the time and were getting ready to serve another table when someone discovered that the hall was on fire near the chimney at roof.
A bucket brigade was formed but they were unable to reach the blaze which ate its way rapidly and in an hour’s time nothing remained of the church and the shed adjoining.
By the prompt work of many hands the church pews, pulpit furniture, organ and carpet were saved.
The countryside sympathizes with the congregation of this church in their great loss, as only $2,000 in insurance was carried. A subscription fund for rebuilding has been started and a ready response is being made.
Charles Latta during his vacation enclosed his dining room in glass to make it comfortable during the cool fall weather.
— The new barn of August Carlson was struck by lightning Sunday afternoon during the storm. It was quite badly damaged but did not burn.
— The Smith Brothers of Cobleskill placed several new stones and markers on different lots in the Valley cemetery and did some other work such as letting, etc.
Mrs. Carrie Kaiser is enjoying a two-week vacation from her duties at the Slingerland Printing works and will spend a portion of it with relatives at Berne.
During the severe storm on Sunday afternoon the barn buildings of Mrs. I. Rupert, on the Andrew Joslin farm, were totally destroyed by fire.
Tuesday morning during the heavy rain storm an auto party consisting of two men and three women were overturned on the hill at this place after the auto skidded on wet pavement. The party seemed to be foreigners. None were seriously injured.
One hundred fifty boys and the faculty of the La Salle School of Albany are camping on the Feeney place near the Indian Ladder.
Classified Ads.
FOR SALE — Knower House and about 30 acres of apple trees. House conveniently located outside of village tax limit. Electricity, two fireplaces. Can be remodeled into very fine looking dwelling at small cost. J. P. Ogsbury, Altamont, N. Y.
Doings at the Whipple Farms
Guests spending the summer at the Whipple Farms, Altamont, last Wednesday evening enjoyed a marshmallow roast in the grounds opposite the house. A large bon-fire was built by the side of the road and guests from the house and their friends assembled around it with long toasting sticks and “rolled their own.” For a long time the occupants of passing automobiles were cheered by the sight of the fire and its merry-making group, and tantalized by the pungent odor of the hot grilled confections. When all the embers of the fire had died down, all returned to the house and indulged in indoor games.