The Altamont Enterprise, August 20, 1915
Census Figures Show That The Capitol City has Increased its Population by 9,022 During Past Five Years — Altamont Only One of Four Incorporated Villages to Show Increase
Albany, August 17 — Other things besides politics have been transpiring in Albany during the past five years, for during that period the Capital city has increased its population by 9,022, with the result that today it numbers 109,279 residents.
The official census figures for Albany have just been made public by Secretary of State Francis M. Hugo. The increase in Albany’s population during the last five years has been a most marked one, yet one that has been in accordance with a general awakening along all lines of activity. While no large industrial corporations have located in Albany, there has been a multitude of small ones. In the suburban section of the city homes have sprung up by the hundreds.
In 1892 Albany was a city of 97,120. In 1900 it had but 94,151, a matter of 15,128 less than today. Between 1900 and 1905 it gained 4,223 residents and from 1905 to 1910 its gain amounted to but 1,883. During the last five years, however, Albany has made rapid advances along all lines. Albany has but 7,808 aliens, according to the recent numeration.
The official census figures for Cohoes show that city to have a present population of 23,492, of which 2,804 are aliens. In 1910 Cohoes had 24,709. Watervliet’s present population is 15,037, 37 less than five years ago. The four incorporated villages of Albany County show populations as follows: Altamont, 805, of which 24 are aliens; Ravena, 1,700, of which 147 are aliens; Voorheesville, 550, including 40 aliens; Green Island, 4,553, with 227 aliens. In the past five years Altamont has gained 134; Green Island has lost 204; Voorheesville has lost 23; and Ravena remains practically the same.
An Innovation in Railway Stations
If Englishwomen are not going to the front they are daily proving their capacity in the work that has to be done at home. The enlistment of thousands of men as soldiers has opened many new channels of work to women. Today in England one finds women ticket collectors, bookstall keepers, train cleaners, tram conductors, commercial travelers, and farm hands. The underground station, Maida Vale, on the Bakerloo railway, has the unique distinction of being staffed entirely by women.
Suffrage Presence of Mind
“Woman suffrage will surely win in New York this fall if the presence of mind shown by the suffragists in asking the men to vote for it is any indication,” said Mrs. Alice Sankey Ellington, one of the “Arkansas Travelers” recently come to New York to assist in the campaign. “When we go back to Arkansas to bring our own state in I am going to tell all our girls when they see a man drowning to do as Miss Grace Hank of Troy did when she rescued Elbert Vause from a watery grave, make him promise to vote for the suffrage amendment in return for the favor of saving his life. It’s great.”