Ethan McCarthy builds Heldeberg Workshop kiosk for Eagle project
The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest level that Boy Scouts can attain after several years of earning badges for skills and for knowledge accrued during a Scout’s many years of participation. As one of the requirements for earning this honor, Eagle Scout candidates are asked to perform a community service that will benefit their locale and exemplify the Scout’s mission to be a credit to their troop and country.
Fifteen year-old Ethan McCarthy chose to donate time, materials, and his labor to the Heldeberg Workshop, which is a favorite summer day camp attended by hundreds of local children. Ethan’s contribution to this popular camp was to build a kiosk, which will display daily announcements for the camp’s attendees.
Ethan is a member of Troop 3037 in Niskayuna. He had the assistance of eight other Scouts and purchased materials with money donated to his effort by community members, many of whom bring their animals to the Village Animal Clinic where a donation jar was placed for gifts. His father, Michael McCarthy, a veterinarian, is co-owner of the clinic. Like the Boy Scouts, the Village Animal Clinic has the philosophy of participating in community events and sponsoring charitable fundraisers ever since its opening in 2010, so helping Ethan with this project was a natural fit.
The project took 109 man hours to complete. Ethan wishes to extend special thanks to Dave’s Glass and Curtis Lumber (both located in Delmar) for their selling materials at a reduced cost for this project. He also extends his thanks to Al Breisch, who is on the Board of Directors of Heldeberg Workshop, for coordinating this project with him.