‘Kiss your mother with that mouth?’

To the Editor:

Many thanks for your thoughtful and eloquent editorial on the troubling tenor of the dialogue in the upcoming presidential election [“Are we modeling civil discourse for the next generation,” Aug. 1, 2024].

I would only add that maybe it’s time for all those “Let’s Go Brandon” and, even worse, “F--- Joe Biden” flags to finally come down, because you can still see them dotting Albany County. Biden is no longer in the race, so they're now as irrelevant as they are offensive.

I always find it astonishing that local citizens choose to express their disdain for a democratically-elected leader with the f-bomb, especially when kids in school buses travel our roads.

Really, what kind of behavior do you think you are modeling? The old adage “Kiss your mother with that mouth?” comes to mind. 

Katherine Dieckmann


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