Altamont Enterprise July 28, 1916
The privileges on the grounds of the Albany County Agricultural Society and Exposition at their twenty-fourth annual fair, at Altamont, August 29, 20 and 31, and Sept. 1, were sold at auction Saturday afternoon. If the spirited bidding for the concessions is a proper exponent it augurs well for the coming exposition. Following is a list of the privileges and the successful bidders:
Fruit, George S. Vroman, $30; nuts, Angelo Caro, $26; frankfurters, Manly Mattice, $57.50; buttered pop corn, Mrs. J. J. Becker, $20; corn confections, Mrs. J. J. Becker, $7; cigars, Fred Hoffman, $20; check stand, Clarence Truax, $5; clams and oysters, Walter Severson, $30.50; soft drinks, Sand’s Bottling Works, $100; lemonade, Sand’s Bottling Works, $20; milk whole, Sand’s Bottling Works, $3; score cards, William Winters, $35; victualing, D. J. Brown, $10; cold candy, Fred Hoffman, $2; ice cream Foster & Barrishkill, $200.
A Retrospect in History.
Thirty Years Ago.
(July 31, 1886.)
The Enterprise has now fairly started on the third year of its existence, this being the second number of the volume. During the past year the circulation has nearly doubled, and we look for still greater prosperity.
The nearly obsolete game of croquet is again growing in favor in this vicinity. Baseball suffers proportionately, and the former adherents of that popular game are losing interest.
The prohibition of a popular game in Amsterdam by the police Sunday resulted in disorders during which troops fired into a crowd of rioters, killing ten persons and wounding many others. The game which is prohibited is the killing of eels attached to a cord stretched over the river.
About $25 was realized from the ice cream social held in the Lutheran church hall July 20.
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Joslin, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Filkins, Miss Ruth Filkins, Miss Edna Brannack, Mosher Ames and Leroy Filkins spent Sunday at the Indian Ladder.
—For the information of automobile owners and chauffeurs who are violating the law by running at night without lights, particularly those who neglect to show rear lights when driving over the streets of Altamont, we would state that a fee will be imposed by the village authorities in each and every case coming under their notice. For some time past several cars have been seen without lights, and in order to avoid the danger of accidents the village board is anxious that each owner comply with the law.