Town highway worker found guilty in DWI jury trial
GUILDERLAND — Howard Haver, 51, a town highway department foreman, was found guilty on July 20, after a three-day misdemeanor jury trial in Guilderland Town Court, of driving while intoxicated, according to Heather Orth of the Albany County District Attorney’s Office. Haver will be back in court for sentencing on Aug. 10, Orth said.
Haver was arrested more than two years ago after an incident in which he lost control of his vehicle.
“It’s an unfortunate circumstance that Mr. Haver got himself involved in. He went through the process, and it was adjudicated as such. I hope that he has learned his lesson,” Curtis Cox, Guilderland’s deputy chief of police, said this week.
Haver acts as the highway department’s liaison to the town’s Traffic Safety Committee, which is chaired by Cox. The committee’s duties include addressing public concerns about traffic safety, seeking public input about possible measures to address concerns, and applying to the Albany County Traffic Safety Board for state or federal grant money to conduct traffic studies or implement safety measures as needed.
Cox said this week, “I will leave that to him — him or the town — as to whether he would continue to serve on the committee. That’s not up to me.”
Town Supervisor Peter Barber wrote in an email, “Bob Haver has been an important member of the Traffic Safety Committee for many years. He shares his professional opinion on the current condition of roadways, planned work and improvements, appropriate signage and proper placement at proposed locations, and other recommendations that require knowledge of highway issues. Very few people have this required experience, and I hope that Mr. Haver will continue to provide this expertise to the Committee.”
Haver, who goes by “Bob,” was arrested on March 12, 2015 at about 9:30 p.m. by Guilderland Police Officer Todd Roberts.
According to the arrest report, events unfolded this way:
Haver was driving west near 6324 Gardner Road and lost control of his pickup truck while going around a corner, crossing over the center double-yellow lines, sliding sideways, then continuing back into his lane before going off the road into a snowbank, which propelled his truck sideways in the air. The truck hit a telephone pole and eventually landed in a small wooded area.
Haver said he was “nervous” and had taken off on foot; he was located a short time later by officers. Haver’s eyes were glassy and bloodshot, and his breath smelled of alcohol. Standardized field-sobriety tests were administered. Haver was charged with operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, first offense, and operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of .08 or more, both misdemeanors, and with failing to keep right on a two-lane road, an infraction.
Cox said this week that, at the time of Haver’s arrest two years ago, police were initially called to the scene for a report of a pole with wires down. Haver had been driving his own vehicle and was off-duty, Cox said.
Haver did not return calls asking for comment, and Highway Superintendent Steve Oliver could not be reached.