NSHA’s ‘Sentinel’ needs an editor
To the Editor:
The New Scotland Historical Association is searching for a volunteer to serve as editor of its newsletter, “The Sentinel.” Published quarterly since 1993, The Sentinel strives to inform the reader of people or events, past and present, of local interest and importance to the Town of New Scotland.
In preparing and publishing the quarterly issues, the editor and his or her committee identifies a feature article and two to three additional articles for each issue. Articles may be written by NSHA Board members, or by people who submit articles that illuminate events in the town of New Scotland’s history. The articles and relevant photographs are then laid out in electronic format for printing.
“The Sentinel” is then mailed or sent electronically to NSHA members. It is also available for free at New Scotland Town Hall, Voorheesville Public Library, at the clerk’s office in Voorheesville Village Hall, and at NSHA’s museum. Archival issues can be accessed on NSHA’s website, www.newscotlandhistory.org.
In 1972, when applying for its state charter from the Board of Regents, NSHA was required to “outline the purposes and goals of the organization.” In response, then President Marion Parmenter stated that among the goals on which the New Scotland Historical Association was founded was to dedicate itself to “the preserving, protecting, and promoting of Town history through promoting an appreciation of local history and through providing research, publications, and educational programs.”
For the past 30 years, “The Sentinel” has consistently provided valuable and interesting topics that have been read and appreciated by people near and far, who keep the town of New Scotland and its history close to their hearts. This publication is an important part of who NSHA is.
If you are able to help us out by serving your community and its heritage by volunteering for this vital position, please contact President Alan Kowlowitz at 518-765-4212 or Vice President Richard Frohlich at 518-765-2243
Judy Kimes
New Scotland Historical Association