Altamont Enterprise July 20, 1923


— The Willing Workers society presented the Reformed church with a silver baptismal bowl which was used for the first time last Sunday when eight children were baptized. 

— It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Miss Mamie McNab, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford McNab. She was taken ill Sunday morning and as an operation for appendicitis was deemed necessary, she was operated on at the home but it was of no avail and she passed away Sunday afternoon. The funeral was held at the house on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. G. Masel officiating. 

— Harold Vroman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vroman, is ill with diphtheria. 

— Herman Vroman had the misfortune to fall about 20 feet from a building he was working on in Schenectady on Monday. Although no bones were broken, he is suffering internal injuries. 

Thieves broke into the O. B. Vunck milling plant at this place last Sunday, gaining entrance through a rear door. The safe was broken into and about $18 in small change was taken. Nothing else was missing. 


— We are glad to note that Mrs. John Boynton was able to walk out and inspect her husband’s garden one evening this week. 

— The M. E. Sunday school had a very enjoyable picnic last week Thursday at Central Park, Schenectady. Two auto trucks took the children and some grown people. 

— The home-made ice cream sale which was held on the lawn of William Enders Tuesday afternoon and evening was well patronized. The proceeds amounted to $20.48. It was held under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. A great many of the older people who were unable to get out were very bountifully remembered by their friends and enjoyed the ice cream very much. 


Several people are taking boarders at the Lake this year. The cottages are all filled and more cottages are needed. 


About fifteen girls are enjoying the fresh air and water at the Y. W. C. A. camp in Thompson’s woods. Mrs. Albert Burtiss of Schenectady is hostess and they have a lone man for protection, and a big stout cook to feed the hungry mouths. 


— An automobile accident occurred Tuesday night about 10 o’clock at Becker’s bridge on the Osborn Corners-Schenectady state road which might have proved more serious than it turned out to be. Mr. Cornwall, who lives near the bridge, heard a speeding automobile cross the cambridge, and then a crash. On investigating he found that the man driving the car had crossed the bridge at such a speed that he was unable to make the sharp turn at the other end, and had run into the ditch opposite the bridge, the car overturning several times. The driver was badly injured, but his lady companion escaped injury. Mr. Cornwall hurried the man to the office of Dr. Jesse Crounse at Altamont where it was found he had a deep cut back of his ear, extending down the neck. Dr. Crounse dressed the wound, and later report says the patient is getting along nicely. The car, a new Ford sedan, was badly wrecked, the top being smashed and front wheels broken. It was towed to Windekind’s garage at Guilderland Center about midnight.

Classified Ads

FOR SALE — Montmorency cherries, 90 cents peck at home, $1.00 delivered in village. T. J. Schell, Altamont. 

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    The Loyal Temperance Legion was reorganized on Monday afternoon, September 29th at the school house. The superintendent, Mrs. Martha H. Harding, was in charge. 


    Fatal Auto Accident At
    Berne Last Sunday 



    –As a result of the opening of the hunting season guns are cracking in all the woods in this vicinity. 

    –The high water did considerable damage along the Schoharie flats by washing away oats, corn, alfalfa and buckwheat. 

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