Altamont Enterprise July 18, 1924


Delmar Mystery 

Not Yet Solved 

The mystery surrounding the events of Tuesday night on the Unionville Clarksville road, 3 miles south of Delmar, is yet unsolved. Stephen Kraft, a farmhand on his way to town, says he saw an automobile parked and two men standing on the roadside, one bending over a girl lightly clad, lying in the ditch, who to Kraft looked dead. Kraft hurried on and reported the matter to the Albany police by telephone. Later, on Wednesday, Miss Frances Konker of Third street, Albany, reported having passed the spot indicated by Mr. Kraft, on a motorcycle with a friend, and saw the partly nude woman and the man as described by him. 

Although the matter is being investigated by the police and coroner, no definite clue has yet been obtained. Kraft was sure he could remember the license number on the automobile which, he said, was from Pennsylvania. 

The neighborhood has been searched but nothing further than a girl’s hat, found on the roadside, has come to light. 


The electrical storm of early Thursday morning was the cause for the lack of electric power throughout Albany and nearby cities and villages supplied through the Watervliet plant of the Adirondack Power and Light Corporation.
A bolt of lightning crippled a transformer at Watervliet, causing the total suspension of trolley service and electrically equipped plants for hours. 

Thousands starting for work were unable to reach their shops, stores and factories and offices until late and business was generally suspended until nearly 11 o’clock, where it depended on electric power. 


The special committee of the American Scenic and Preservation society who have charge of the John Boyd Thacher Park in the Helderbergs have taken up plans for the installation of a water supply system for the benefit of campers and visitors. The committee has been allotted $5,000 by the State Council of Parks and has just acquired title to about six acres of land at the foot of the cliff to include the “bear path” and a number of caves. 



William F. Toole, executive and liaison officer, American Legion, will be at Berne during the afternoon and evening of July 23rd, and at Altamont on July 25th, for the purpose of assisting veterans of the World war in making application for the New York state bonus and the Federal adjusted compensation. 


— Mrs. Harry Fredendall was hostess to the Mah Jong Circle at her home Wednesday afternoon. The prize, a Japanese wind bell, was captured by Mrs. Millard Severson. A tea was served at the conclusion of the games. 

— During the electrical storm on Tuesday afternoon, July 8th, lightning struck the tower of the Reformed church, tearing off a portion of the shingles and injuring other parts of the steeple. The damage will probably be about $100, fully insured. 

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