Thompsons Lake

It’s been two weeks since I’ve written anything in the paper. My granddaughter, Kyra Swan, and great grandchildren, Samson and Nichole Clark, spend time with me in the summer.

On Monday, June 29, Nichole pedaled her new bike over here early in the morning and we enjoyed oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar together.

Later in the day Marcia Pangburn, Kyra, and I joined Brandon, Jenn, Samson, Nichole, and Iain for a barbecue at their house.

On Tuesday, June 30, Nichole went with me to physical therapy and she was my assistant. My left leg had started turning more left so she made sure it was straight and counted for me.

Then Marcia drove and we picked up Kyra, Samson, and Iain and went to Denney’s for lunch. We wanted to go roller-skating but both Rollarama and Guptil’s are closed on Tuesdays.

It was raining so we decided to go to Flight, the place with all the trampolines.

Brandon met us there and Samson and Nichole rode home with him. Samson later spent the night at Kyra’s house.

On Wednesday, July 1, we finally got to go roller-skating at Rollorama. Then I rode with Brandon to take Samson and Nichole back to their mother after their half-week visit.

On Thursday, July 2, Marcia drove me to physical therapy and I did miss my little sidekick, Nichole.

On Friday, July 3, Brandon and Jenn spent all day cutting all the weeds down around my house.

In the evening, I enjoyed a bonfire at my granddaughter, Danielle Ricketts house, and eating somores. Brandon and Jenn accompanied me up there.

Saturday, July 4, was rainy. Brandon, Jenn, and Iain picked up Samson and Nichole and went to the movies to see: Terminator.”

Later we all gathered at Marcia and Kyra’s house to watch fireworks. My sister, Pat Sykala, of Schenectady, came to work in Danny’s Memorial Garden and watched fireworks with me at Marcia’s.

On Sunday, July 5, I rode with Marcia to Camp Pinnacle to drop Kyra off for the week. Brandon and Jenn stained eight doors in their home and they came out beautiful.

On Monday, July 6, I drove myself to physical therapy because Marcia had an appointment with her lawyer about her trail that was starting the next day. Then I went to Jim Herzog’s garage because my driver’s side window won’t roll up. I had a new motor put in last summer and it’s already not working. Jimmy will take it back and we’ll go from there.

Tuesday, July 7, I went to New Scotland court with Marcia. They were supposed to chose a ury today, but I had to wait outside. Her lawyer insisted because he might want me to be a witness. Marcia came out at 10 a.m., and said the district attorney had called the judge and said they came to an agreement. I guess we’ll know what’s next on Aug. 6.

Wednesday, July 8, both knees decided to ache and I ice packed them for an hour-and-a-half.

On Thursday, July 9, my granddaughter, Kassi Martin, came to do some cleaning for me. Marcia picked me up for physical therapy, and then took me to St. Peter’s Hospital to visit my brother, Ken Richardson, who had just had surgery on his elbow. He is doing well and expected to be discharged on Friday. On Friday, July 10, my niece, Sondra Weigand had stomach surgery.

I probably overdid it with my new knee. I drove to the bank, BJs for dog food, Price Chopper for groceries, and Stewart’s for gas. Then I went to Camp Pinnacle with Marcia to pick up Kyra.

On Saturday, July 11, Brandon, Jenn, Marcia, Kyra, Samson, and Nichole spent the day at the Great Escape. The Electrical Union Brandon’s in has discounted tickets once a year. As for me, you guessed it. My knees were tired and I had to rest.

Nichole arrived at my house at 11:30 p.m. exhausted. Iain has gone to South Carolina for a week with his father.

Sunday, July 12, and Nichole couldn’t wake up for church. I cut up strawberries I bought and ate a barbecue dinner with Brandon, Jenn, Samson, and Nichole. Marcia and Kyra were invited to their neighbors across the road, Yolanda, Lorenzo, and Joseph Tasso, who live in the Bronx, but have the Lakeside Hotel as their summer home.

Brandon, Samson, and Nichole had worked in their vegetable garden all day. After dinner they went for a swim in Uncle Danny’s pond. Jenn went to spend time with her dad, Michael Smith and I went to visit Danielle Ricketts, Zoey, and my nephew, Chris Richardson.

Two weeks flew by and I hope everyone’s enjoying the summer as much as I am.

Mid-week inspiration

Come this Wednesday, July 22, for a video presentation from people who have a great story to tell. Each week, we’ll watch some inspiring people tell their stories about what God has done in their lives, to overcome problems and to serve others.

This program is for 7 to 8 p.m. in the church hall at the Knox Reformed Church, led by Rev. Tim Van Heest.