Altamont Enterprise July 11, 1924


Chicken Thief Falls Prey 

To Shot Gun 

Oliver Snyder, 22, younger brother of Earl Snyder, who is serving two years in the county jail on a recent sentence for stealing chickens, is in the Ellis hospital with 12 gauge bird shot wounds in his face and neck, received early Monday morning when he was shot by William Christman of Duanesburg while in the alleged act of robbing the latter’s coop. 

Hearing a noise in the vicinity of his chicken coop about 4:30 o’clock, Christman arose and without dressing ran from the house with his shotgun. Two figures left the chicken coop, one of them bearing a burlap sack over his shoulder. 

Christman commanded them to halt. Instead both began to run in opposite directions. The thieves apparently came by auto, for a car was parked nearby, Mr. Christman said. Pursuing the man with the bag, Mr. Christman ordered him to put up his hands. When he failed to comply, Christman fired one barrel of his 12 gauge shotgun. 

The man continued to run. Mr. Christman’s son then came with an automobile and together they chased the man who was nearly exhausted. Snyder was captured about one-half mile from the Delaware and Hudson railroad bridge south of Duanesburg on a county road leading from Christman’s house. 

Fifteen barred rock chickens in the sack were recovered. Other birds which escaped when the coop was opened were returned. 

Snyder lives on the state road three miles west of Quaker Street with his brother. When captured he said that his brother Harley Snyder was the man who escaped. 

In the abandoned auto, which was parked about one hundred yards from Christman’s barn were about 20 barred-rock and Rhode Island Red hens, which were later identified by Herman Vroman and Jesse Waddell as their property, taken sometime during the night. 

On information given by Mr. Christman, a warrant was issued for the brother, Harley Snyder, by Justice Baker Davenport of Quaker Street. Tuesday morning Sheriff Myers found Snyder at his home and made the arrest. Snyder declared that he had nothing to do with the theft of the Christman chickens, but he was placed in the county jail at Schenectady to await arraignment when his brother recovers from his gunshot wounds. 


The Fourth of July supper was well attended. Proceeds, one hundred and fifty-six dollars. 


The pond of Whitebeck’s is very popular these hot days. 

— William Green has opened a refreshment stand here. 

— The Gray farm house is filled with summer boarders. 

Classified Ads. 

LOST — Between Warner’s Lake and Delmar, a red and white bed quilt. Valuable to owner because an heirloom. Return to or notify Mrs. Irving Esdell, Gardner Terrace, Delmar. 


George D. Shultes had the misfortune to have his car badly damaged last Thursday evening at Schoharie. Must have been carelessness by the other party, as Mr. Shultes’ car was standing still. 

More Back In Time



    –As a result of the opening of the hunting season guns are cracking in all the woods in this vicinity. 

    –The high water did considerable damage along the Schoharie flats by washing away oats, corn, alfalfa and buckwheat. 


    Fatal Auto Accident At
    Berne Last Sunday 



    The Loyal Temperance Legion was reorganized on Monday afternoon, September 29th at the school house. The superintendent, Mrs. Martha H. Harding, was in charge. 

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