Altamont Enterprise July 7, 1922
— Several hundred girls from New York and New Jersey, as well as from the New England states, are attending a conference of “business girls” which is being held at the Young Women’s Christian Association Camp above the village this week. A special celebration was held Independence Day, field day events taking place during the day and elaborate fireworks being the feature in the evening.
— The Ladies’ Aid society of the Lutheran church will hold a quilting “bee” in the dining room of the church on Thursday afternoon of next week, July 13, at 1 o’clock sharp. A full attendance is urged as the society wishes to get the quilts ready to send to Japan at as early a date as possible.
— Postmaster George S. Vroman reports the sale of five one-hundred dollar Treasury Savings certificates to an Altamont citizen this week. That is a good example. Let’s all slip that $100 or more we have in our stocking, to Uncle Sam. He’s good for it.
The proceeds from the Ladies Aid supper and sale was $389. The old debt on the church is now entirely paid. There will be no services in the church for the next two Sundays.
Annual Meeting of the
Guilderland Center W. C. T. U.
The Women’s Christian Temperance Union held its annual meeting in the Sunday school room of the Reformed Church on Tuesday, June 27. The attendance was fine, much larger than the previous year, which was very gratifying. Devotional services were conducted in the morning by Mrs. F. C. Bennett.
At the noon hour, a covered-dish luncheon was served, finishing with ice cream.
Much business was transacted which included the appointment of a new chairman for the Budget committee for 1922 and 1923, in the person of Mrs. Leon Van Wormer.
The regular meetings will now close until early September. The Union has a membership of one hundred. May the good work continue and each year be better than the last.
Wesley Stalker was kicked by a horse last week. Mr. Stalker is in a serious condition. Dr. Jasper Mead is the attending physician.
Daniel Lendrum is making extensive repairs to the barn on the place he recently purchased of his mother. Thomas Filkins is doing the work.
— The property known as the Peter Van Alstyne place on Main street which was sold at public auction last Saturday went to George Smith, he being the highest bidder, consideration three thousand and fifty dollars.
— Will persons owning property please take interest enough in our village to keep the weeds and grass cut along the highway so that pedestrians will be able to walk along the sidewalk, and also giving our village a better appearance?
Eli Secor has his bungalow completed and it is already occupied by a family from the city.
Cherry and berry picking are the leading sports in this vicinity at present. Too much wet weather is delaying harvest and other farm work.