The superior attitude shown by Stewart’s saddens me
To the Editor:
In your recent article about the Voorheesville Planning Commission’s decision to have an environmental impact statement performed before granting Stewart’s the authority to build at the former site of Smitty’s, I was kind of saddened by the attitude of the lawyer for Stewart’s [The Enterprise, June 15, 2017: “Stewart’s threatens suit as planning commission seeks environmental review”].
I was not present at the meeting but the way her statement read in the newspaper, she was basically telling our village: I represent Stewart’s; no one has ever tried to stop our plans and your small village is not going to succeed
I just find it sad that a business operating in the village would have such a superior attitude
I am not a lawyer but I am a person who has rights. I can elect to purchase my gas anywhere I want and also boycott the new Stewart’s. If people really want to stop this store, they should picket the existing one and write to the headquarters and tell the management they do not appreciate nor will they support a new store at that location
John Kiernan