I am proud to be part of the hard-working Middleburg School Board
To the Editor:
Did you know that the Middleburgh Jr.-Sr. High School is ranked 14th of the 40 schools in the Capital District by U.S. News and World Report?
After sinking to a low of being placed on the New York State list of schools in need of improvement, the Middleburgh Board of Education changed administrators and set clear measurable goals. The new superintendent was charged with setting a new course.
His serious enforcement of contractual responsibilities has led to reforms in curriculum, teaching, and learning. The faculty and staff have responded positively. Their dedication has been most evident during this time of distance learning and packaged lunches.
The continuity of creative instruction as monitored by the principals reveals their concern for their students’ academic and social wellbeing. Middlebuerg has turned the merely good school into a great school where every child matters.
I am proud to be a part of the hard-working board that has directed the progress in the Middleburgh Central Schools. I humbly ask for your support in the school board election so that I can continue to help the curriculum, technology, and facilities committees make additional progress.
Ernest W. Kuehl Jr.