Parade marks a return to normalcy
To the Editor:
The 2021 Hilltowns Memorial Day Parade will move out on schedule on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31, at 10 a.m., just as it has for 57 of the last 58 years. But there will be no marching units and the parade route will be different because of COVID.
The parade will assemble in East Berne and follow Helderberg Trail (Route 443) to the Berne-Knox-Westerlo campus in Berne. There are many places along Route 443 where you can park your car and enjoy watching the first-responder equipment, antique military vehicles, Model A Fords, floats, horses, and ponies.
The entire parade will also be broadcast over the BKW YouTube channel, so you can enjoy it on your smartphone, anyplace with available wi-fi, or the comfort of your living room!
Because of COVID, the usual ceremonies of flag-raising, salute, and taps will be private, by invitation only, but will also be broadcast on YouTube. You can go to
It will also be available on FM radio 89.3 in Berne so you will be able to hear everything.
Many people have worked long and hard to present this return to normalcy, and we are enormously grateful to them for their efforts.
Zenie Gladieux
Parade Chair
Kiwanis Club
Of the Helderbergs