Tattered flag should be retired — it matters
To the Editor:
I feel the need to raise an issue that bothers me so much, and it happens to be occurring on Main Street in Altamont. It’s the matter of a very tattered, shredded, and ripped American flag hanging from the building that used to house the Home Front Café, a business establishment that honored veterans.
We pass that damaged flag every day. I can only imagine the broken heart that lies in the bosom of so many veterans seeing their flag being allowed to fly in such poor condition.
All flags should be taken down and retired properly when they reach such condition, but no one is doing so. It’s not right
I’m not pointing a finger — I just would like to see someone step up and contact whoever now owns the building that used to house the Home Front Café to request that they either take down the old tattered flag and replace it with a new flag, or just take that tattered flag down, period.
So many veterans passed through that café door to be honored for their service. What a beautiful job the café owners did. It’s time now to do the right thing and take care of the tattered flag that flies there, hopefully before Memorial Day.
It matters. And it matters for all veterans who gave their lives for us to be able to fly that dear flag.
Annie Corrangelo