Make sure your voice is heard by voting on the GCSD budget, three additional propositions

To the Editor:
On Tuesday, May 21, residents of the Guilderland Central School District will vote to approve a proposed $125,192,817 budget for the 2024-25 school year. This proposed budget calls for a $5,420,623 (4.53 percent) increase in spending over the current year’s plan. If approved, the 2024-25 spending plan would increase the tax levy by $2,198,863 or 2.74 percent, which is below the district’s tax levy limit as defined by New York state’s tax levy cap legislation.

On April 16, the board of education adopted the proposed budget, which is a result of the district listening and responding to the school community’s priorities and needs. Addressing several community stakeholder considerations, the budget maintains low class sizes, expands extracurricular activities, and preserves robust academic opportunities at all three levels. This budget aligns with the district’s objective of empowering each and every student to achieve success now and in the future.

There is a net addition of 14.2 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions to support academics as well as programs that engage students in a variety of ways, including the addition of Unified Physical Education at Farnsworth Middle School, new teacher positions to support students who are struggling academically, increased athletic programming, and the repair and replacement of music equipments.

Along with approving the budget, district residents will be asked to vote on the following propositions and to elect three board of education members:

— School bus proposition.

The district is proposing the purchase of gas school buses and maintenance vehicles at the cost of $1,281,000. The purchase would include six 65-passenger buses, three with chains and three without, one 24-passenger wheelchair bus, a maintenance truck, and a skid steer. The new buses will replace aging vehicles in the transportation fleet as part of the district’s long-term replacement program;

— Electric vehicle proposition.

The district is proposing the purchase of two zero-emission electric vehicles (EVs), one 30-passenger school bus, and one 65-passenger school bus and one Level 2 charger. The proposal is for a total cost of $407,500. Under the recently enacted state budget, the district will receive this full amount in transportation aid as it repays the bond. There is no projected net cost to the district for this purchase; and

— Cobblestone Schoolhouse proposition.

The district proposes the transfer of its one-room Cobblestone Schoolhouse, built in 1860, to the town of Guilderland for $10,000. Because the property is not being sold at market value, a vote is required. The district has agreed to transfer the historic structure, which requires much maintenance and upkeep, to the town so that it will be preserved for community use. The town will have access to grant funds to support this work.

— Board of education election.

Running for three seats on the board of education, five candidates will appear on the ballot in the following order: Tara Molloy-Grocki, Mateo Dunagan, Elizabeth Floyd Mair, Blanca Gonzalez-Parker, and Nina Kaplan. Learn more about the candidates by searching “2024-25 Board Candidates'' on the district website, You can also watch a recording of the Meet the Candidates night on the GHS Media YouTube channel.

We encourage all Guilderland residents to take some time to learn about the proposed spending plan and propositions. Please read the GCSD budget newsletter, which was mailed to residents’ homes last week or visit the “Budget and Taxes'' section of the district website for more details about the 2024-25 spending plan. If you have any questions, please email . It’s essential that all residents have accurate, factual information to help make an informed decision.

Most importantly, we urge all eligible voters to make sure your voice is heard by voting on the budget, three additional propositions and for members of the board of education on May 21 at your home elementary school; polls are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Kelly Person


Blanca Gonzalez-Parker

Vice President

Kim Blasiak

Rebecca Butterfield

Katie DiPierro

Nathan Sabourin

Judy Slack

Gloria Towle-Hilt



Guilderland Central

School District

Board of Education

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