Don’t let your flag beat itself to death
To the Editor:
I wrote this poem so that people will treat the American flag with respect.
The Flag
Folks, don’t let your flag beat itself
to death in the wind.
When it starts to get faded, tattered,
or torn, it’s time to bring it in.
The VFW holds a ceremony
once or twice a year
Where they honorably dispose of these
retired flags, these flags we hold so dear.
Give them your full respect as one
who has passed away,
Or one who has given their all
and has fallen to the fray.
As long as she flies on high,
this land ever will be free,
From shore to shore,
from sea to shining sea.
We pledge allegiance to the flag,
forever may freedom ring.
If we don’t stand for something,
we’ll fall for most anything.
So don’t let your flag beat itself
to death in the wind.
When it becomes faded, tattered,
or torn, it’s time to bring it in.
Rod Mattison