B’nai Sholom Coffeehouse offers free evening of music, poetry, and stories
Singer and songwriter Phil Teumim will host a Beit Kafeh, or coffeehouse, to showcase the singing, storytelling, poetry recitation, and musicianship of the Jewish community.
The coffeehouse will be held at the B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation’s synagogue, at 420 Whitehall Road in Albany, at 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 11. Admission is free; donations are appreciated.
The evening will start with an open mic. “Everyone is invited to perform: sing a song, play an instrument, tell a story, read some poems or tell a joke or two,” says a notice for the event. “Listen and appreciate, or perform and be appreciated.”
After intermission, Jeff Klamka, Phil Teumim, and Will Vail will perform.
The coffeehouse is open to the public. Non-B’nai Sholom congregants planning to attend must register in advance at https://forms.office.com/r/TLk1T0736A.
For more information, visit www.bnaisholomalbany.org or contact Phil Teumim at .