William Howard Moore Memorial Service
Memorial Service
MEDUSA — A memorial service will be held for William Howard Moore on Saturday, May 18, at 2 p.m. at the Medusa United Church of Christ on Route 351. After the service, the family will go to the Medusa Cemetery for a short burial service and then return to the house for food and refreshments.
“If you would like to provide a dish to share with others, that would be up to you,” said his son, Dennison Moore. “I hope to see as many friends attend as possible because I know he was a man of the community.”
William Moore, known as Bill, died on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. He was 74, and had lived in Medusa most of his life. He was an engineer for the state’s Department of Transportation, a school bus driver for Greenville Central School, and was a carpenter and painter. He operated the Sugar Bush Shop in Medusa, was the driving force of the History of Medusa Museum, and played the organ at the United Church of Christ since 1978.